Computational Perception Lab
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Nature Communication

Trilobite-inspired neural nanophotonic light-field camera with extreme depth-of-field

Inspired by the optical structure of trilobite eyes, we demonstrate a nanophotonic light-field camera incorporating a spin-multiplexed bifocal metalens array capable of capturing high-resolution light-field images over a record depth-of-field ranging from centimeter to kilometer scale, simultaneously enabling macro and telephoto modes in a snapshot imaging.

IEEE Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition 2022

Fisher Information Guidance for Learned Time-of-Flight Imaging

In this paper, we propose a Fisher-information guided framework to jointly optimize the coding functions (light modulation and sensor demodulation functions) and the reconstruction network of iToF imaging, with the supervision of the proposed discriminative fisher loss.

IEEE Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition 2022

Fisher Information Guidance for Learned Time-of-Flight Imaging

In this paper, we propose a Fisher-information guided framework to jointly optimize the coding functions (light modulation and sensor demodulation functions) and the reconstruction network of iToF imaging, with the supervision of the proposed discriminative fisher loss.

IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision 2021

Fast Light-field Disparity Estimation with Multi-disparity-scale Cost Aggregation

In this paper, we design a lightweight disparity estimation model with physical-based multi-disparity-scale cost volume aggregation for fast disparity estimation.

IEEE Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition 2021

Controlling the Rain from Removal to Rendering

This paper proposes to realize continuous control of rain intensity bidirectionally, from clear rain-free to downpour image with a single rain image as input, without changing the scene-specific characteristics, e.g. the direction, appearance and distribution of rain.

IEEE Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition 2021

Distribution-aware Adaptive Multi-bit Quantization

In this paper, we explore the compression of deep neural networks by quantizing the weights and activations into multi-bit binary networks (MBNs). A distribution-aware multi-bit quantization (DMBQ) method that incorporates the distribution prior into the optimization of quantization is proposed.

IEEE Access 2020

Influence of Beam Distribution on the Qualityof Compressed Sensing-Based THz Imaging

To achieve high sensitivity and resolution, newmeasurement matrices correlating to the incident beam distribution are proposed and the simulation resultsare demonstrated.

IEEE Sensors Journal 2020

Time-Delay-Integration Imaging Implemented With Single-Photon-Avalanche-Diode Linear Array

In this paper, we propose a novel kind of time delay integration (TDI) image sensor based on single photon avalanche diode (SPAD), i.e. TDI-SPAD.

Optics Express 2019

Multispectral Video Acquisition Using Spectral Sweep Camera

To fully utilize the redundancies of multispectral videos in the spatial, temporal and spectral dimensions, we propose a Complex Optical Flow (COF) method that could extract the spatial and spectral signal variations between adjacent spectral-sweep frames.

IEEE International Confernce on Computer Vision 2019

Enhancing Low Light Videos by Exploring High Sensitivity Camera Noise

We explore the physical origins of the practical high sensitivity noise in digital cameras, and propose to enhance the low light videos based on the noise model by using an LSTM-based neural network.

OSA, Nonlinear Optics 2019

Enhance imaging depth in wide-field two-photon microscopy by extended detection and computational reconstruction

We propose the extended detection and computational reconstruction technique, to extract signals from scattering photons and enhance imaging depths.

Optics Express 2019

Overcoming tissue scattering in wide-field deep imaging by extended detection and computational reconstruction

In contrast to the spatial filtering based on confocal slit detection, here we propose the extended detection LTFM (ED-LTFM), the first wide-field two-photon imaging technique to extract signals from scattered photons and thus effectively extend the imaging depth.

SPIE 2019

Video rate spectroscopy via Fourier-spectral-multiplexing

In this paper, we propose a video rate spectroscopy via Fourier-spectral-multiplexing (FSM-VRS) which exploits both spectral and spatial sparsity.

IEEE Photonics Journal 2019

High Fidelity Single-Pixel Imaging

Inspired by the fact that natural scenes exhibit unique degenerated structures in the low-dimensional subspace, we propose to take advantage of such local prior via convolutional sparse coding to implement high fidelity SPI.

IEEE Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition 2019

Hyperspectral Imaging with Random Printed Mask

We propose a simple and low-budget scheme to capture the hyperspectral images with a random mask printed by the consumer-level color printer.

IEEE Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition 2019

Spectral Reconstruction from Dispersive Blur: A Novel Light Efficient Spectral Imager

We propose a basic theory for capturing multispectral information from a single dispersive-blurred image and an additional spectrum of an arbitrary point in the scene

Optics Express 2018

Snapshot hyperspectral imaging via spectral basis multiplexing in Fourier domain

In this paper, we propose a snapshot hyperspectral imaging technique which exploits both spectral and spatial sparsity of natural scenes.

IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 2018

Convolutional Sparse Coding for RGB+NIR Imaging

In this work, we introduce a new approach to RGB+NIR image reconstruction using learned convolutional sparse priors.

IEEE Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Workshop 2018

Resolution-Enhanced Lensless Color Shadow Imaging Microscopy Based on Large Field-of-View Submicron-Pixel Imaging Sensors

We report a resolution-enhanced lensless color shadow imaging microscopy system based on large field-of-view submicron-pixel imaging sensors.

Optica 2018

Parallel cameras

This paper reviews the context of such cameras in the developing field of computational imaging and discusses how parallel architectures impact optical and electronic processing design.

International Conference on Image Processing 2017

Multispectral focal stack acquisition using a chromatic aberration enlarged camera

By using a delicately designed chromatic aberration enlarged camera, the spectral-varying slices at different depths of the scene can be easily captured.

Optics Express 2017

Heterogeneous camera array for multispectral light field imaging

In this paper, inspired by anaglyph theory (i.e. the ability of human eyes to synthesize colored stereo perception from color-complementary (such as red and cyan) views), we propose to capture the multispectral light field using multiple cameras with different wide band filters.

IEEE Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition 2016

Variable Aperture Light Field Photography: Overcoming the Diffraction-limited Spatio-angular Resolution Tradeoff

We propose a sequential, coded-aperture-style acquisition scheme that optimizes the resolution of a light field reconstructed from multiple photographs captured from different perspectives and f-number settings.

IEEE Signal Processing Magazine 2016

Computational Snapshot Multispectral Cameras

This article presents an overview of these state-of-the-art multispectral acquisition systems, with a particular focus on snapshot multispectral capture, from a signal processing perspective.

IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology 2016

Efficient Method for High-Quality Removal of Nonuniform Blur in the Wavelet Domain

This paper presents a novel nonuniform deblurring approach, which defines the blur model and calculates regularized nonuniform deconvolution in the wavelet domain to achieve high efficiency and high accuracy.

Optics Express 2016

Content-adaptive ghost imaging of dynamic scenes

We propose a content-adaptive computational ghost imaging approach to achieve high reconstruction quality under a small number of measurements, and thus achieve ghost imaging of dynamic scenes.

IEEE Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition 2015

Blind Optical Aberration Correction by Exploring Geometric and Visual Priors

We propose a computational approach for blind aberration removal from a single image, by exploring various geometric and visual priors.

IEEE Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition 2015

Efficient 3D Kernel Estimation for Non-uniform Camera Shake Removal Using Perpendicular Camera System

We propose an acceleration method to compute the 3D projection of 2D local blur kernels fast, and then derive the 3D kernel by interpolating from a minimal set of local blur kernels.

Optics Express 2015

Patch-primitive driven compressive ghost imaging

Inspired by the fact that the natural image patches usually exhibit simple structures, and these structures share common primitives, we propose a patch-primitive driven reconstruction approach to raise the quality of ghost imaging.

Optics Express 2015

Gerchberg-Saxton-like ghost imaging

Correlation is widely used to reconstruct the object image in ghost imaging (GI). But it only offers a linear proportion of the signal-to-noise ratios (SNR) to the number of measurements. We develop a Gerchberg-Saxton-like technique for GI image reconstruction in this manuscript.

Optics Letters 2014

Robust and accurate transient light transport decomposition via convolutional sparse coding

Ultrafast sources and detectors have been used to record the time-resolved scattering of light propagating through macroscopic scenes. We demonstrate a method of convolutional sparse coding to decompose TLT into direct reflections, inter-reflections, and subsurface scattering.